Timeline from Noah to Christ based on dates given in the Bible and reliable historical dates

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Dates given in this diagram are based on the ages and genealogies given in the Bible. This chart differs slightly from those of other Biblical scholars in that the dates before the Exodus have been moved back by about 215 years. Many scholars have only allowed for 215 years of Egyptian slavery for the Israelites. The Bible actualy says that the Israelites were in Egypt for a period of 430 years. It can be calculated from the dates given in the Bible (Genesis Ch 11), that the flood occurred 582 years before Jacob entered Egypt (Jacob was 130 yrs old when he entered Egypt and Abraham was 100yrs old when he had Issac and Issac 60 yrs old when he had Jacob). Archaelogical evidence is increasingly pointing to the Exodus being in the 13th Egyptian Dynasty in 1445BC and this is confirmed by the Bible which says that Solomon began building the temple 480yrs after the Exodus (1Kings 6:1). If the Exodus date is correct, the flood of Noah would have occured around 2457 BC (1445+430+582).